Tip Tuesday - Phishing technique uncovered

This weeks Tip Tuesday we are looking at how to check if a dodgy looking email really is from who it says it is. The chances are your spam filter is saving you from an awful lot of rubbish, but what about those times that you get an email through and it looks like it could possibly be from the big company its claiming to be but something feels a little off…

This is a simple tip to keep in mind, often you will get an email in your inbox appear to be from a large company, lets say Amazon or Apple for example, but something about it just feels wrong. A quick way to check if the email is from a legit address is to check the address carefully.

Recently I have had emails through from someone claiming to be at Apple, which if that was true the email address would end with a legit apple.com address. However on these occasions I was having emails from an address which at quick glance looked legit but when you really read it clearly wasn’t. For example apple.com legit address. noreply.apple.com@fake.com not legit. Pay attention to where the @ sign appears in the email address and remember whatever comes after the @ sign is really where the email is originating from.

If you are looking at your emails on an iPhone you can see that address fully by clicking on the blue text name.

Safe email reading to you all


Tipmas - Camel Camel Camel… no not the animal!


Tip Tuesday - LinkedIn, filter people search